NIIBS Book Store

Basic teachings of early Buddhism with reference to the Pāli canon: Dependent co-origination, three Characteristics, four noble truths, nibbāna. Social philosophy and social ethics of early Buddhism with reference to the suttas such as Sigāla, Maṅgala Vaisala, Parābhava, Vyagghapajja, Vāseṭṭha, Aggañña and Brāhmaṇadhammika. Meditation and meditational practices with reference to the suttas such as Satipaṭṭhāna, Vanapattha, Dvedhāvitakka, Vitakkasaṇṭhāna, Sabbāsava and Sāmaññaphala. Disciplinary codes of ethics related to the management of human resources and institutions with reference to Vinayapiṭaka and relevant suttas of Suttapiṭaka.

The aesthetic concept of early Buddhism with reference to Therogāthā, Therīgāthā, Udāna-pāli, Apadānapāli, Dhammapada, Jātakapāli, Buddhavaṃsa, Āṭānāṭiyasutta, Mahāsamayasutta and Vedallasutta etc.

Economic and political views with reference to Sigāla, Aggañña, Rājavagga of Majjhimanikāya, Cakkavattisīhanāda suttas etc. Theravāda interpretation of the suttapiṭaka with reference to the commentarial literature such as Visuddhimagga, Sumaṅgalavilāsinī, Papañcasūdani and Manorathapūraṇī. Theravāda interpresetations of Vinayapiṭaka with reference to Samantapāsādikā and pālimuttakavinayavinicchaya. Therovāda interpretations of Abhidhammapiṭaka with reference to Atthasālinī, Sammohavinodanī, Vikāsinīṭīkā, Vibhāvinīṭīkā and the Abhidhammic compendiums.

Theravāda literature of history, poetics, Āyurvedic medicine, prosody and grammar with reference to Mahāvaṃsa, Thūpavaṃsa, Dāṭhāvaṃsa, Bhesajjamañjusā, Vuttodaya, Subodhālaṅkāra, Kaccāyana, Moggallāyana, Rūpasiddhi, Saddanīti and Saddasāratthajālinī.

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