Shi Chunhong

Shi Chunhong

Shi Chunhong is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Language and Culture University, and the editor-in-chief of “Language Teaching and Research”. Bachelor of Anhui Normal University, Master of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ph.D. of Peking University, Postdoctoral of Harvard University. The research fields involve Chinese linguistics, applied linguistics and theoretical linguistics. In recent years, he has focused on the theoretical and applied exploration of construction grammar and style grammar, as well as the teaching and acquisition of Chinese as a second language. Independently published “Sentence System Research on Interaction of Form and Meaning: An Exploration of Interactive Construction Grammar”, “Syntax and Semantic Study of Chinese Verb-Results”, “Cognitive Research on Word Meaning Structure and Word Regulation”, “Language Norms in Communication”, ” An Introduction to Chinese as a Second Language” and “Basic Knowledge of Chinese (Grammar)” six books, co-authored “Trinity Grammar: Structure, Function, Context-Teaching Guide for Elementary and Intermediate Chinese Grammar Points” (co-authored with Feng Shengli ), “Study on Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Constructions” (Shi Chunhong et al.), “Basic Knowledge of Chinese (Phonetics)” (co-authored with Cai Shumei), “Theoretical Outline of Applied Linguistics” (edited by Yu Genyuan), “Contemporary Research on Chinese Linguistics (1949-2015)” (edited by Li Yuming) and other works, and participated in the compilation of many reference books and teaching materials. Published more than 100 academic papers (including co-authors), more than 70 linguistic essays, and several translations.

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