The Language of the Stars (Essential) / Tan Xudong Children’s Poems and Picture Book

Rs 4,075.59
  • Medium: Books
  • ISBN: 9787534798368
  • Language: Chinese

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Author: Hu YouLi HuiTan Xudong

Tan Xudong’s children’s poems and picture books are divided into 4 volumes, “Poems of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter”, “Children’s Poetry Garden”, “Language of the Stars” and “Conversation under the Tree”, which are suitable for children aged 4-12 to read independently or accompanied by their parents. The whole set of books is full of pictures and texts, and the layout is lively. The author develops rich associations around natural phenomena, plants and animals that are common in nature, personifies the description objects, and uses relaxed and cheerful language to open up children’s innocent and bold imagination. The form of one picture and one text builds a happy, innocent and natural world of children’s interest, and it is a rare quality of original children’s poems and picture books in China.


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